Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
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Associations between countertransference reactions towards patients with borderline personality disorder and therapist experience levels and mentalization ability

Poornima Bhola, Kanika Mehrotra

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Objective: This exploratory study locates countertransference as a pan-theoretical concept, comprising of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors expressed or experienced by therapists toward their patients. It aims to understand the patterns of countertransference experienced in working with borderline personality disorder. Associations between countertransference reactions and therapist-related variables of experience and mentalization ability are also examined. Method: Psychotherapists (n = 117) completed the Therapist Response Questionnaire to assess patterns of countertransference experienced with a representative patient diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. They also completed a measure of mentalization ability that examined self-related mentalization, other-related mentalization, and motivation to mentalize. Results: The profile of responses across eight countertransference dimensions is discussed, with the most strongly endorsed reactions being positive/satisfying, parental/protective, and helpless/inadequate. More experienced therapists reported less negative countertransference reactions in select dimensions. Therapists’ self-reported ability to reflect on and understand their own mental states was negatively correlated with a range of difficult countertransference experiences. There were few associations between their ability to make sense of others’ mental states, the motivation to mentalize, and the strength of their countertransference reactions. Conclusion: The implications for countertransference management as well as therapist training and development are highlighted.


Countertransference, borderline personality disorder, mentalization, psychotherapy, psychotherapists.


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