Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Volume 40, Issue 3, 2018
40(3), 2018
Original Article Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.40 n3, 179-184, 2018 Early trauma, attachment experiences and comorbidities in schizophrenia
Thalita Gabínio; Thaysse Ricci; Jeffrey P. Kahn; Dolores Malaspina; Helena Moreira; André B. Veras Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.40 n3, 185-192, 2018 Subjective well-being, religiosity and anxiety: a cross-sectional study applied to a sample of Brazilian medical students
Leonardo Machado; Camila Twany Nunes de Souza; Rosália de Oliveira Nunes; Camila Novaes de Santana; Camila Farias de Araujo; Amaury Cantilino Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.40 n3, 210-215, 2018 The relationship between insight and affective temperament in bipolar disorder: an exploratory study
Rafael de Assis da Silva; Daniel C. Mograbi; Evelyn V. M. Camelo; Luiza Nogueira Amadeo; Cristina M. T. Santana; Jesus Landeira-Fernandez; Elie Cheniaux Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.40 n3, 226-231, 2018 Impact of resilience on the improvement of depressive symptoms after cognitive therapies for depression in a sample of young adults
Caroline Elizabeth Konradt; Taiane de Azevedo Cardoso; Thaíse Campos Mondin; Luciano Dias de Mattos Souza; Flavio Kapczinski; Ricardo Azevedo da Silva; Karen Jansen Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.40 n3, 232-240, 2018 Socioeconomic diversities and infant development at 6 to 9 months in a poverty area of São Paulo, Brazil
Patricia Tella; Luciane da Rosa Piccolo; Mayra Lemus Rangel; Luis Augusto Rohde; Guilherme Vanoni Polanczyk; Euripides Constantino Miguel; Sandra Josefina Ferraz Ellero Grisi; Bacy Fleitlich-Bilyk; Alexandre Archanjo Ferraro
Brief Communication Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.40 n3, 253-257, 2018 Suicide risk and childhood trauma in individuals diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder
Suelen de Lima Bach; Mariane Acosta Lopez Molina; Karen Jansen; Ricardo Azevedo da Silva; Luciano Dias de Mattos Souza
Review Article Trends Psychiatry Psychother, vol.40 n3, 258-268, 2018 Coping strategies among caregivers of people with Alzheimer disease: a systematic review
Alexandre Magno Frota Monteiro; Raquel Luiza Santos; Nathália Kimura; Maria Alice Tourinho Baptista; Marcia Cristina Nascimento Dourado
Trends Psychiatry Psychother